Sunday, April 21, 2013

Flight to Japan 4/3/2013

Mission Presidents and new trainer, Nanjo Shimai
We have about ten minutes to let home know that we made it safe it is. We made it safe and sound, although the trip was possibly the most exhausting trip I've ever taken. But I gave out 6 pass along cards and taught a lesson on the airplane (all in English). It was pretty crazy but it was fun. My jet lag is vicious but I guess that's to be expected. I met my trainer today. She seems nice and I'm excited to serve with her. My first area is Atsubetsu! [This is the same city/congregation where her Dad was baptized 33 years ago.] We're still at the Hombu [Mission Home] getting training and the snow is crazy. Everyone is telling us that it's melted a ton and that is getting warmer but there's still about 3-4 feet of snow on the sides of the roads. And oh the slush. But I'm happy to be here and looking forward to working. We're going tracting right after we send these emails! 

Love you all and thanks for the support!

Sugihara Shimai

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